Thriving Women After Marital Separation: A Case Study

  • Erlyn Honeylette C Marquez Benguet State University, Philippines
  • Cecilia G Junio School of Advanced Studies, Pangasinan State University
Keywords: Separated Married Women, Thriving Experiences, Challenges, Coping Techniques, Counseling Techniques


Marital separation causes emotional turmoil and leads to a variety of challenges, but women can still empower themselves by adapting, flourishing, and ultimately thriving. This study aimed to explore the thriving experiences of women after separation, the challenges they encountered, and the coping techniques they utilized. A qualitative method using a case study approach was utilized with 16 women from Baguio City and Benguet.  The researcher conducted an in-depth exploration of the thriving experiences of women. Psychological assessments, which include Intelligence Quotient, Emotional Quotient, and Personality tests, were also administered. The findings of the study showed that participants were middle-aged adult women with children, highly educated with a master's degree, working in an educational setting, and had philandering husbands.  Most of the women were not legally separated.  Women highlighted their average to superior mental ability, adequate self-awareness and interpersonal capability, moderate extraversion, agreeableness, independence, openness to experience, methodicalness, industriousness, and conscientiousness. The separated women displayed strength, wisdom, and resilience in the face of challenges.  They thrived by accepting their past self and finding empowerment in their present self.  They struggled physically but were able to cope better when feeling connected socially and having a dependable support system. Women having a strong support system were better able to cope following their marital separation. Counseling techniques based on feminist therapy were deemed fit to help empower separated women and build on their strengths for them to better thrive in their everyday lives.
