The Effectiveness of Blended Method with Quipper in the Teaching of T.L.E. - ICT to Grade 9 Students

  • Paul Michael P Felstead
Keywords: Blended Method, Quipper School Application, e-Learning Teaching Tools. Innovative Learning


The study was used to determine the effectiveness of Blended Method by using the Quipper Application in teaching ICT subjects. Blended learning refers to learning models that combine traditional classroom practice together with e-learning solutions. Quipper Philippines has partnered with the Department of Education in order to provide teachers with a platform where they can access a content library and to be able to send ready-made lessons, quizzes, exams and to provide real-time data on student performance. 

The study determined the performance of Grade 9 ICT students in the administration of the pre-test and post-test for both controlled and uncontrolled groups. The study also determined if there is a significant difference in the result of the performance for both controlled and uncontrolled groups in the pre-test and post-test. An action plan was proposed in the implementation of the Quipper Application as an instructional tool in T.L.E. 9 – ICT.

The independent variables used was the pretest and posttest on topics for the second quarter of the school year administered to both the class under the traditional method of teaching and those where blended method is incorporated.

This study utilized the purposive sampling method. Two grade 9 sections were used, one to be the control group and the other as the uncontrolled group. The dependent variables were the performance result of the post-tests of both the traditional class and the class where blended method using Quipper was administered. The result was then determined whether the traditional method of teaching can stay as is and be used by teachers in delivering their lessons or if technology will have an effect in it, thus an action plan will be developed. The weighted mean and t-test was the statistical treatment used to answer the sub problems.

The use of Blended Method by using Quipper Application is indeed an effective tool to be used in teaching T.L.E. - ICT for grade 9 students. Their performance and scores in the pre-test and post-test had greatly improved using Blended Method.

How to Cite
Felstead, P. M. P. (2018). The Effectiveness of Blended Method with Quipper in the Teaching of T.L.E. - ICT to Grade 9 Students. PSU Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 1(2), 30-34. Retrieved from